These are our ongoing ministries here at ABC!
Sundays at ABC
Morning Bible Groups begin at 10am. Groups are available for Seasoned, Middle, and Young Adults, Students (grades 6th - 12th), and children (for ages 3-12). A quality nursery is also provided during both Bible Groups and Worship for children 4 and under.
Sunday Morning Worship begins at 11:00 a.m. See our “What to Expect” page for more info!
Evening Series begins at 6:00 p.m. in the church Fellowship Hall and consists of informal, yet quality open discussion-based bible study time.
Young Adults at ABC
We have a growing number of “20- & 30-Something” Young Adults here at ABC! The Young Adult Bible Group meets Sunday mornings at 10am in the Summit House (The metal building across the street from ABC). They meet outside of church also from time to time for fun gatherings! To get plugged in, send us an email and we’ll happily get you connected.
Kids’ Ministry at ABC
The Well is our Wednesday night ministry for kids ages pre-K up through the 5th grade. We use music, fun, and teaching times to help kids learn about the love God has for them in Christ Jesus! Church members graciously provide dinner for The Well Kids at 5:00pm every Wednesday. The Well is led by Pastor Bill and his wife Amy Burch.
Meets Wednesdays @ 5:00pm
Student Ministry at ABC
Summit Students is our Wednesday night ministry for Jr. High and Sr. High students. We strive to introduce students to a life-saving and authentic relationship with Chris Jesus, while we also seeking to meet various needs of students. Summit Youth is led by ABC Pastor Bill Burch.
Meets Wednesdays at 5:00pm
ABC MidWeek Prayer Gathering
Adults gather each Wednesday for an meaningful time of guided and intentional prayer time. We pray together for the vision and ministries of our church, individual prayer needs that are requested, and many other things that God directs us to. For more information, or to request prayer, email
Meets Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study meets each Wednesday night at 6:30pm. All adults are welcome and encouraged to join in! Email us at for more info!
SOPHOS Seasoned Adults
A friendly, casual “git’ together”centered around food, fellowship, encouragement, prayer and fun! It is specifically designed for adults, ages 60ish and up. Dinner is provided by the group and signups for parts of the meal go around ahead of time. (Meets the 4th Monday at 6:00pm.)
The ladies gather on Tuesdays to sew and donate to several ministries in our area. At lunchtime, they meet at Cindy’s Catering on Main Street to continue the fellowship.